Notices or Meetings

September 23, 2015: Petition for Waiver of Compliance

On August 19, 2015 Delaware Lackawanna Railroad Company petitioned the Federal Railroad Administration for a waiver of compliance from the regulation 49 CFR 223, which deals with Safety Glazing Standards. DLR is specifically looking for a waiver on a 100 ton, 600 horsepower diesel-electric locomotive that was built in 1934. This locomotive is used in yard switching and has occasionally been used for historic passenger moves on the Steamtown National Historic Site. When moving, this locomotive does not exceed 15 mph and currently has unblemished laminate safety glass. DLR performs service and maintenance at their facility in Scranton, PA. DLR stated the reason for the waiver request is the locomotive has limited operation and low risk of safety of continuing to operate with the glazing that is currently on the locomotive. At this time FRA has no plans to hold a public hearing on this petition but will accept oral comments from interested parties provided they submit their request in writing by November 9, 2015.

Docket Number FRA–2015–0093