July 5, 2012: (ANPRM) PHMSA – reverse logisics


PHMSA is publishing an ANPRM to identify ways to reduce the regulatory burden for persons who ship consumer products containing hazardous materials in the “reverse logistics” supply chain. Reverse logistics is the process that is initiated when a consumer product goes backwards in the distribution chain. It may be initiated by the consumer, the retailer, or anyone else in the chain. Therefore, the process may involve consumers, retailers, manufacturers, and even disposal facilities. PHMSA anticipates publishing an NPRM that will propose to simplify the regulations for reverse logistics shipments and provide avenue means for regulatory compliance that maintains transportation safety.

For shippers of hazmat rail cars, STARS foresees that PHMSA and FRA will need to properly define a “residue tank car” for the portion of these regulations which will pertain to rail reverse logistics.

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